Event CalendarEvents CalendarMonday, May 09, 2022, 07:30pm
Hits : 192
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Brother Knights, first of all I'd like to wish all of those special ladies in our lives a Happy Mother's Day whether that be our wife, our mother, maybe our grandmother or a daughter. They are truly blessings and make us better men.
Tomorrow, Monday 5/9, is our May Council Meeting during which we will have an Exemplification. I know of two men that will be welcomed into our Order along with the promise of maybe a couple more. Please join us.
Lastly, I attended 10:30 Mass this morning during which one of our Seminarians, Ryan Quarnstrom, who was ordained a Deacon yesterday, was preaching. During the opening hymn seminarians filed in and they filled a whole front section of our church (the section behind where the altar servers sit) and I could not help but be pumped up, excited and simply grateful for those fine young men. They were not all from St. Joseph Parish, though a fair percentage of them were, but it was a fantastic sight! Please continue to pray daily for vocations!
Vivat Jesus!
Grand Knight Kurt Speckhals